Posts with Category
Family Medicine
The Rosh Review blog provides study and exam prep tips, interviews, and deep dives for physicians, NPs, PAs, residents, and students. Below you’ll find a list of the blog posts that highlight our Family Medicine content. Take a look and learn something new—we’re here every step of your career.
The Rosh Review blog provides study and exam prep tips, podcasts, and more for physicians, NPs, PAs, residents, and students. Below you’ll find a list of the blog posts that highlight Family Medicine. Take a look and learn something new.
40 Reasons Why Rosh Review Has The Best Customers
If you’ve emailed Rosh Review for anything, from requesting CME to asking for an extension or seeking clarification about which subscription to purchase, it’s likely that you and I have spoken. I’ve handled the majority of Rosh Review’s customer support for the past three years. We operate with the mindset of equanimity, which means staying read more…
Rosh Review Sponsors and Supports TIME’S UP Healthcare
I was inspired and energized at last night’s launch of TIME’S UP Healthcare at the New York Academy of Medicine. I was there as an emergency physician who witnessed gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, as a father who wants my daughter and son to grow up in a world that treats them read more…
Do You Need to Study for the Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment Pilot?
That depends. Are you getting exposed to the variety of subjects that are going to be tested on the FMCLA pilot? According to the ABFM, the longitudinal assessment is a test of family medicine knowledge and clinical problem-solving ability relevant to family medicine. Appropriate subject areas of the following disciplines are included: Adult Medicine, Care read more…
15 Useful Tips to Ace Your ABFM Certification Exam
With the ABFM Certification Exam around the corner, here are a few useful tips that may come in handy. We also composed a Mock ABFM Certification Exam that is now available in your Dashboard Boost Box (desktop/laptop only). While we believe the 3,500 questions in your Qbank are more than adequate to prepare you for read more…
Rapid Review: Epiglottitis
Reviewed January 2024 Epiglottitis Sample question: A 5-year-old boy presents to the emergency department because of difficulty breathing that began a few hours prior to consult. The caretaker reports that he was apparently well until he developed a fever and sore throat yesterday. He has no cough. On examination he is noted to be flushed, read more…
Geriatrics Medicine Module For the ABFM Certification Exam Is Now Ready
Introducing the new ABFM Geriatrics Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Women’s Health Content-Specific Module For the ABFM Certification Exam
Introducing the new ABFM Women’s Health Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Announcing a Child and Adolescent Care Module for the ABFM Certification Exam
Introducing the new ABFM Child and Adolescent Care Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Emergent & Urgent Care Module For the ABFM Certification Exam Is Now Ready
Introducing the new ABFM Emergent & Urgent Care Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Hospital Medicine Module For the ABFM Certification Exam Is Now Ready
Introducing the new ABFM Hospital Medicine Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Sports Medicine Module For the ABFM Certification Exam Is Now Ready
Introducing the new ABFM Sports Medicine Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Introducing a New Maternity Care Module for the ABFM Certification Exam
Introducing the new ABFM Maternity Care Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Ambulatory Family Medicine Module For the ABFM Cert Exam Is Now Ready
Announcing the release of a new ABFM Ambulatory Family Medicine Content-Specific Module, available to Family Medicine residents, residency programs, and practicing physicians. This module is best suited for Family Medicine physicians looking for a focused, high-yield Qbank review for ABFMs Content-Specific Modules required during the certification Exam. This content is novel, and not included in Rosh Review’s Main Family Medicine Qbank or mock exams. Family Medicine programs who subscribe to Rosh Review also gain access to the Content-Specific Modules in their PD Dash.
Announcing the New Family Medicine Qbanks for the ABFM Content-Specific Modules
Announcing the release of the Rosh Review’s ABFM Qbank dedicated to preparing you for the ABFM Modules. The ABFM Certification exam consists of four equal sections of 100 minutes. Each section contains 80 multiple-choice questions. The candidate will choose a content-specific module (we have you covered) at the beginning of the second section of the examination. The first 40 questions of that section will cover the module topic and the following 40 questions will cover the breadth of family medicine. The first, third, and fourth sections of the examination will also cover the entire field of family medicine (this paragraph is modified from the ABFM website).
How to Crush Your Family Medicine Shelf Exam, and Other Insider Tips
It’s finally time for your family medicine rotation and you could not be more excited. Although you’re not interested in primary care, you just completed your surgery rotation and are in desperate in need of sleep. A month of outpatient nine to five clinic visits doing well-child visits and reassuring patients that they don’t need antibiotics to treat a viral cold sounds like a piece of cake.
What Doctors Should (But Don’t) Learn About Chronic Diseases in Medical School
Just as pediatricians need to bring up uncomfortable conversations about sex to keep their patients safe and healthy, isn’t it equally the responsibility of physicians to bring up diet and nutrition?
Rapid Review: Ottawa Ankle Rules
Reviewed February 2024 Ottawa Foot and Ankle Rules Sample question: A 25-year-old man presents to the ED for evaluation of right ankle pain. He fell and twisted his right ankle while playing basketball 8 hours ago. Immediately after his injury, he experienced difficulty bearing weight on the ankle. He has since experienced increasing pain over read more…
Rapid Review: Boxer Fracture
Reviewed January 2024 Boxer Fracture Sample question: A 17-year-old boy presents to the clinic with right-hand pain after punching a wall. Physical examination reveals swelling over the dorsum of the right hand with bony tenderness noted with palpation of the fifth metacarpal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Rapid Review: Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Reviewed February 2024 (Neonatal) Respiratory Distress Syndrome Sample question: A newborn boy born at 32 weeks gestation is admitted to the NICU because of respiratory distress. He was born by cesarean section for breech presentation, premature labor, and rupture of membranes for approximately 2 hours. He weighed 1,845 g and appeared vigorous, with spontaneous respirations. read more…
How to Self-Reflect and Choose Your Medical Specialty This Year
“Keep your minds open,” the dean announced at M3 orientation, “maybe you’ve always dreamed of becoming an orthopedic surgeon but will fall in love with psychiatry.” As freshly minted third year medical students with wrinkle free and yet to be coffee/pen/bodily fluid stained short white coats we entered clinical rotations much like undifferentiated cells, eager to be shaped and influenced as we transformed into the future physicians we were to become. However, for many students, choosing a specialty is not as easy as dreaming and falling in love. There is a fine line three quarters into M3 year when the reaction to uncertainty about choosing a specialty changes from a response of “you’ve got time” to a reaction that may make you feel like somehow over a few short months you became defective. In the midst of the uncertainty and doubt you then receive an email that it’s time to schedule your fourth year electives and are advised to “choose them wisely” as you are reminded that residency applications will be due just three months into the year. If that story sounds all too familiar of you anticipate that this could happen to you, don’t panic, you’re not alone, let’s get through this together.