Posts with Category
The Rosh Review blog provides study and exam prep tips, podcasts, and more for physicians, NPs, PAs, residents, and students. Below you’ll find a list of the blog posts that highlight MD/DO. Take a look and learn something new.
Rapid Review: Von Willebrand Disease
Reviewed January 2024 Von Willebrand disease Sample question: A 27-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with vaginal bleeding. She states that the bleeding is sporadic throughout the month and her periods last up to 8–10 days. She is otherwise healthy and has no other concerns. She notes that her mother and sister have always had long read more…
Rapid Review: Hypothyroidism
Reviewed February 2024 Hypothyroidism Sample Question: A 30-year-old woman presents to the clinic with hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, and constipation. She also reports symptoms of arthralgia. Her heart rate is 50 bpm. Physical examination reveals cool, rough, dry skin, periorbital puffiness, and pallor. A beta-hCG test shows a negative result. Which of the following read more…
Rapid Review: Hyphema
Reviewed January 2024 Hyphema Sample Question: A 13-year-old boy is brought to the urgent care clinic by his mother. He was struck in the eye with a baseball while playing with classmates during recess. He complains of blurred vision and excruciating eye pain. Examination of the eye reveals decreased visual acuity, miosis, photophobia, and grossly visible read more…
Rapid Review: Ménière Disease
Reviewed February 2024 Ménière Disease Sample Question: A 28-year-old man presents to his primary care physician for evaluation of intermittent episodes of left ear tinnitus, fullness, and hearing loss over the past 6 months. He reports no history of loud noise exposure or recent ear or upper respiratory tract infections. On two occasions without any read more…
Podcast Ep 26: Retinal Detachment, Meningitis, Chicken Pox & More
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. -Edith Wharton Welcome back to Episode 26! Remember to listen for a trauma ring tone and if you hear one send us the time via email or tweet us @Roshcast with the time you hear it. This week, read more…
Rapid Review: Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Reviewed February 2024 Osgood-Schlatter Disease Sample question: A 15-year-old boy presents to the ED with right knee pain for the last 2 weeks. He is the point guard on his high-school basketball team. The pain is worse after basketball practice or a game. He does not specifically remember injuring his knee. On examination, he is tender read more…
Rapid Review: Myasthenia Gravis
Reviewed February 2024 Myasthenia Gravis Sample Question: A 27-year-old woman presents to the clinic concerned about eye strain. Her vision is sometimes blurry after working at a computer all day. Her boyfriend has noticed that one of her eyelids sometimes droops. Her symptoms are absent in the morning but develop and worsen as the day read more…
Rapid Review: Multiple Myeloma
Reviewed February 2024 Multiple Myeloma
Rapid Review: Molluscum Contagiosum
Reviewed February 2024 Molluscum Contagiosum
Rapid Review: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Reviewed February 2024 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Podcast Ep 25: Acute Mountain Sickness, Hyperthyroidism, & More
Welcome back to Episode 25 — our silver anniversary episode! It was great connecting with a few listeners recently at SAEM. At the beginning of this week’s episode, we announced a new contest – be the first to tweet to us (@Roshcast) or email ( the exact time in episodes 26-30 that you hear a trauma phone ring tone to win a 30-day subscription to Rosh Review! First, let us get started with a rapid review covering fish poisonings.
Rapid Review: Bacterial Tracheitis
Bacterial Tracheitis Sample Question: A 3-year-old boy presents in severe respiratory distress. His mother informs you that he has been ill for the last five days, initially with a low-grade fever and “barky cough.” He was seen at an urgent care facility four days ago and given a “breathing treatment” and discharged on steroids. He has become read more…
Rapid Review: Absence Seizures
Reviewed January 2024 Absence Seizures
Podcast Ep 24: Preeclampsia, Scombroid, Influenza, HACE, & More
Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will be among the stars. -Les Brown Welcome back to Episode 24! We are coming to you live from Orlando at SAEM this week. Ok, it is not exactly live, but we are launching this episode from Orlando. Although the venue has changed, we have the read more…
Podcast Ep 23: Multiple Sclerosis, SIRS, BRUEs, Pericarditis, & More
Welcome back to Episode 23! It was great running into a few listeners at CORD last week and hearing your feedback. This week, we start off with an OB/GYN related pharmacology review before jumping into the new material. Hope you enjoy!
Podcast Ep 22: Pneumothorax, Vaginal Bleeding, & More
Welcome back to Episode 22! This week, we have some bread-and-butter emergency medicine with a lot of deeper learning points, so pay close attention as you listen through. Let’s start out with a review of pediatrics before we jump into the new material.
Unlocking the Data Behind Rosh Review to Improve Educational Outcomes: Pt. 1
Many of our savvy customers realize intuitively that there is a treasure trove of performance data accumulating in the background with each new question answered by each of our users (40,933,037 total questions answered, as of today).
Podcast Ep 21: Galeazzi Fractures, Malnutrition, & More
Welcome back to Episode 21! We are all over the place this week, tackling topics from orthopedics to electrolyte abnormalities. Thanks to our listeners for the excellent feedback. Keep it coming to Let’s get started with a quick neurology rapid review from prior episodes!
Rapid Review: Small Bowel Obstruction
Reviewed January 2024 Small Bowel Obstruction