Podcast Ep 39: Special Episode! Listen to an Interview with Dr. Rosh

“The person who creates structure the soonest, is the person who is most comfortable in residency the soonest.”
-Adam Rosh, MD
Welcome back to RoshCast episode number 39!
As we mentioned at the end of episode 38, this won’t be a regular old RoshCast. Instead of our regularly scheduled content, we put together an interview with Dr. Adam Rosh – the namesake of the Rosh Review, former program director, and most importantly an emergency physician who has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to education.
While this episode will not contain our usual board review content, it will include tactical advice on preparing for and taking your board exam.
This episode provides a gold mine of actionable information, tools, strategies, and tactics that you can use not only for your upcoming Shelf exam, In-Training exam, or ABEM Certification exam, but any high stakes endeavor.
Some of the topics Dr. Rosh talked about include:
- The biggest studying challenges going from medical school to residency
- The best advice Dr. Rosh received when he was an intern
- A system to 10X your medical knowledge during residency
- How to implement a study strategy called “layering” to build deep medical knowledge
- How a “notebook system” made all the difference in the world to building confidence as a resident
- An opportunity to aggregate Post-it Pearls
- A system to capture mistakes to improve clinical practice
- How studying material like the leads of an ECG looking at the heart can lead to improved understanding
- Using interleaving to improve preparation for the actual exam
- What do you do if you answered all of the questions in the Qbank?
- How forgetting leads to improved recall
- Avoiding the illusion of knowing
- Choosing the right study material
- Making sure you prevent people from stealing your time
- The importance of exercise or simply taking a break to go for a walk to improve recall
- Upcoming releases within Rosh Review
- And much more…
Items referenced during the interview
How to Increase Your Emergency Medicine Board Exam Score by 10 Points
An Emergency Medicine Resident’s Clinical Experience
That’s wraps up RoshCast Episode 39. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @RoshCast and @RoshReview. We can also be reached by email at RoshCast@RoshReview.com and are open to any feedback, corrections or suggestions. You can also help us pick questions by identifying ones you would like us to review. To do so, write “RoshCast” in the submit feedback box as you go through the question bank. And finally, if you have a minute, make sure to rate us and leave comments on iTunes to help spread the word about RoshCast.
And let us know if you’d like us to do a Part 2 with Dr. Rosh.
Until next time,
Jeff and Nachi
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