Posts with tag
The Rosh Review blog provides study and exam prep tips, podcasts, and more for physicians, NPs, PAs, residents, and students. Below you’ll find a list of the blog posts that highlight PA-CAT Exam. Take a look and learn something new.
PA-CAT vs GRE: What You Need to Know for PA School
Standardized tests have always been a part of the application process for becoming a physician assistant, and the GRE was the only test around when I was going through applications. While the MCAT is sometimes accepted, it often isn’t a preferred requirement by programs, but the PA-CAT is a similar knowledge-based test focusing on the read more…
How to Crush the PA-CAT Exam with Rosh Review Practice Questions
You’ve decided to apply to PA school—congratulations! You’re about to embark on an exciting (and busy) couple of years on your way to becoming a PA-C. As PA school application numbers have grown, administrators have started to use the Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA-CAT) by Exam Master to help determine applicant knowledge and assist read more…